Why is it so important to conduct a tax investigation if you owe the IRS?

It is essential to know the truth and not just take their word for it. We have found countless mistakes issued by the IRS that resulted in changes that saved our clients thousands of dollars. It would be best if you learned all of the facts. Our licensed tax professionals conduct a thorough investigation of your tax issue. We order all your account and wage/income transcripts from the IRS. Our firm does a forensic review of this information and provides a detailed analysis of the following information. 

* Collection Status
* Compliance Requirements
* Missing Return Information
* Principal Balance
* Penalties
* Interest
* Credits
* Possible Amendments
* Audit Reconsideration 
* Resolutions you may qualify for under the IRS guidelines

This will not open a can of worms or default any agreement you may already have in place. The investigation is used to make sure you know with 100% certainty all the facts and options available to you.  

You may call us at 833-836-6398 or complete the below form if you would like a free consultation and more information about the tax investigation process.

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Tennex Tax Solutions, Tax Return Preparation, Sebastian, FL